Dear Jennifer
I would like to thank you for answering our prayers. My husband (Bob) phone you over 14 years ago asking you if you could find us a puppy because his wife (Sarah) has just lost a baby. You answer our prayers three times over by giving us Rosie. Rosie help me clean the house by letting me know when things were out of place. Rosie protected me and didn’t let any person come near me if they were a stranger that I didn’t know. Rosie welcome our son when he came along and check each stroller to make sure Scott was in the stroller I was pushing. Rosie would walk extra slow so people would pass us so she could watch them and know I was safe. Rosie did funny things like trying to dig in her water dish and spill all the water all over the floor or dig in the backyard until she was muddy and black up to her arm pits. When I turn forty Bob and Scott came and got Buddy. That was the best birthday gift I have received in my life. Buddy was perfect very light and our family came down a few times to see the puppies before getting Buddy. Rosie would allow Buddy to do almost anything to her but eat her food and take her bones. The two dogs got along great for a few years until we were told Rosie had cancer. After Christmas that year we put Rosie down so she would be in no pain. Buddy was just in the other room but he knew what was going on. When Buddy was 6 years old I needed to go to Jennifer again to get Crystal. Crystal my baby. Crystal is the first dog that wants me and cry if she can’t get to me. Jennifer and her family have been great over the time we have been buying her Golden Retrievers. Jennifer gave us a toy for Rosie so she wasn’t lonely after leaving the first home she knew. Jennifer has been encyclopaedia on the knowledge that she has and how kind she is to give it out to our family so we understand the dog better that we bought front her. Jennifer is also a place that we can go to leave our dogs and know that they will be taken care of and love like we love our dogs. There are not many people that will open their house to your dog and will take good care of it from feed it, have a place to put their head at night, and company of all the dogs in the day time outside. Jennifer and her family are a great place to e-mail to get answer to your question that you want answer. It was just this week-end July 12, 2009 I was down asking Jennifer is I needed to get Crystal fix or not and all the information Jennifer gave out for things to look for in Crystal down the line as she age. Letting our daughter Ashlee pick up her new breed of dog and to hold, pet and be with for about an hour during our stay. Thank you Jennifer and your family for what I can see on the internet by going into your wed site you are all encyclopedia, I will look at your wonderful pictures until the time right to add another dog to our family. Thanks